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Our response to Covid-19

We’re committed to supporting our learners and the employers we work with during this difficult time. Our Learning and Development Coaches and Tutors will continue to be available via phone, email and video chat to help learners continue studying.

Our Measures and Response

Free Learning

Future Leaders Modules

While we're in lockdown, managers are adapting to working remotely and getting to grips with managing their teams from a distance. 

To help navigate the present opportunities and challenges, we’ve opened over 30 hours of our leadership and management modules for free to sharpen your leadership skills and create high-performing teams.

Find out more here.

Online Bootcamps

Even though we can't hold any face-to-face training right now, we still wanted to give you the opportunity to benefit from our amazing workshops. That's why we've made them all available completely online. 

Apprenticeship Programmes

We've adapted our apprenticeship programmes for online delivery.

  • Learning & Development Coach visits are all conducted remotely
  • We use a remote desktop environment, so learners do not need to download software
  • Practical elements often involve online interactive collaboration – this mirrors the work context and allows them to apply learning
  • Additional resources implemented such as Pluralsight for learners
  • All HR, L&D and Accounting apprenticeship are unaffected as all teaching is online
  • An exciting re-design of the following virtual apprenticeships:
    • L4 Data Analyst
    • L4 IS Business Analysis
    • L3 Junior Content Producer
    • L7 Data Science

Guidance From the Government on Apprenticeships

On Friday 27th March, the Government confirmed that apprentices who are furloughed can continue learning and stay on their programmes.

This includes the ability to carry on building their portfolios of evidence, working towards their functional skills and preparing for exams. This won't have an effect on any money that employers claim under the Job Retention Scheme.

Apprentices who are ready for their End Point Assessment but can't finish it due to COVID-19 related issues can have a break in learning. While learners may be delayed in completing their apprenticeship, the Department of Education has brought in measures to avoid negatively impacting apprentices.

Furloughed Apprentices

We understand some employers may be considering furloughing apprentices. The advice from the Government has been:

  • Those that are furloughed can continue training, as long as it doesn't generate revenue for a business.
  • Furloughed staff can also start an apprenticeship, which would be a great opportunity to use the time to develop their skills.
  • Where furloughed apprentices are on a leave of absence, placed on unpaid leave, or employment changes no longer support their apprenticeship, the apprentice, employer and training provider should consider a break in learning.
  • People that need to complete online training whilst furloughed must be paid at least the National Living Wage/National Minimum Wage for their time spent training, even if this is more than the 80% of their wage that will be subsidised.

This shouldn't affect employers that pay their learners above the Apprentice and National Minimum Wage. If you have a furloughed apprentice that's been on programme for longer than 12 months, there may be implications for their pay.

Furloughed Employees and National Minimum Wage

If the apprentice is in their first year of learning as an apprentice, the apprentice Minimum Wage applies, so long as their hourly rate is £4.15, they can continue learning.

If the apprentice is in their second year of learning as an apprentice, the National Minimum Wage applies (and the age of the learning is relevant). The Employer will need to pay 20% top-up against an agreed period of training per month e.g. 1-2 days per month (which they won’t be able to claim under the furlough scheme).

If the employer is unable to top up for the benefit of the learner, they will need to go on a break in learning.

Breaks in Learning

We highly encourage any employer to consider each learner and where they are in their apprenticeship before they make any decisions on breaks in learning.

If you need help discussing these options, please speak to your Learning Delivery Coach if you are an apprentice or please speak to your Account Manager if you’re a client.

Apprentices Facing Redundancy

If an apprentice is made redundant within 6 months of their apprenticeship end date, the ESFA will continue to fund their apprenticeship to allow them to complete and achieve if they have completed the majority of their apprenticeship, if they have evidence of the work-based element of the apprenticeship, and if they can achieve the EPA. Any apprentice who falls into this category will be individually assessed by their LDC to determine if exceptional circumstances will apply.

Where an apprentice has been made redundant and is actively looking for a new job, they are able to continue their apprenticeship unemployed for a maximum of 12 weeks. This will enable them to continue learning and not fall behind, making it easier to transition into new employment whilst sustaining their apprenticeship. To qualify for this, the apprentice must have been in a programme for a minimum of 6 months before their last day of employment. If that is the case, the ESFA will fully fund the 12 weeks of learning.

For more information on the Government's redundancy support services for apprentices, click here.

Health and Wellbeing

We know the impact of social distancing can be very isolating, especially for young people.

We've developed health and wellbeing webinar masterclasses that focus on helping learners working from home during this time.

Frequently Asked Questions

If apprentices are furloughed for longer than 4 weeks do we have to enforce a break in learning?

No, the apprentices can continue learning when in furlough, the employer just needs to ensure they are paid National Minimum Wage.  

If apprentices are furloughed can apprentices continue with the technical elements of their study i.e. learning modules and scheduled study-weeks?


How have Avado learners been affected by Coronavirus? 

We decided to survey our learners to help us understand how they have been affected. You can read our blog piece on our findings or read our piece on how homeschooling has impacted online learners.

We’re updating this page with answers to your questions. Feel free to get in touch.